A newly engaged couple right after choosing their wedding venue.

Congratulations on finding the perfect venue to fit your vision! Whether you’ve decided on a rustic ranch, club or backyard setting, you and your partner have the most important decision locked in. What are your next steps in the planning process? Find a wedding planner! A planner will assure you the most stress-free months leading up to the big day. Many planners offer 30 day packages if you’re organized. If you prefer not to handle the small details, your planner will assist you with finding amazing vendors. Your planner will be your point person in the weeks and days before your special day. 

Your Venue Coordinator should have discussed their policies with you on who you can choose to create the amazing wedding day of your dreams. Some venues offer all-inclusive packages and some are ala carte. Utilize their preferred vendor lists! These vendors have worked closely with the venue several or many times and they know the nuances of your venue, whether it’s their caterer-friendly kitchen space or the ample room they have to unload. 

Another bonus for having your wedding planner on your side is that because they work closely with so many vendors, many of them will offer a discounted rate if you book with them as a preferred vendor at your venue. A savings of $200.00 may sound small but it’s $200.00 you have to spend elsewhere in your budget, like upgrading your favors or adding a few more florals. 

Sit down with your partner and decide which element of your wedding is the most important. For many couples it’s the music. Music sets the tone for the evening. You will be asked by your DJ to do some homework and choose songs that are meaningful to you. 

Other couples may be very traditional and want a beautiful, delicious 3 tiered wedding cake. An older couple would like to have professional family pictures of this special event in their lives. In your budget, the element that is most important is the one you’ll want to allocate the highest allowance on. 

Whatever you choose, your vendors will all come together with your wedding planner and give you the wedding day of your dreams!!

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One Response

  1. Very insightful. We would never have considered many of the items mentioned. Music, photos, or other nuanced details all mean something. Combined, they mean everything on the most special of celebrations, marriage!

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